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Sunday, September 30, 2007'?


my soul was beating here @ 11:09 PM


blog on hiatus. till olvls end?
yeah. i cant wait for 13/11
pls give me surprises on my birthday can.positive surprises. x3 30/10
fuck maths paper.
and rach no more.and dun ask why.

my soul was beating here @ 10:37 PM

Thursday, September 27, 2007'?

jus finished physics topical revison and tys.but like not enough time for other subj leh

kinda fucked up.im still left with chemistry,maths,ss,geog,and chinese.cramp this into 3-4 weeks and get a good results.tough?chinese n the cb format shit.totally forgotten.. blame who,blame my small brains. or none.physics imbal confident.but really chemistry must chiong.if not,chiong physics for what.prelims result demoralising sia.but parents didnt kaopei!surprisingly they also sayed some motivating words.omFg luh. last time is,aiyah ITE lah.or go ur what private sch lah.also fail one. now is different story le. how ppl change in situations.
everybodys is smart,its how u want to use it.its ur laziness.its true srsly.

18days left.thats the fact.cmon,i can do it. im going chiong chemistry and maths,
copper2=blue ppt
iron2=green ppt
iron3=reddish brown ppt
zinc & calcium=white ppt
test for sulphate use barium nitrate.
test for alkalis use hydrogen ions?
im jus writing for fun,caz enjoying my tea now.hehe^^

ok,back to business.CHEMISTRY!WO LAI LE!
wasted 10mins of studying.10mins= 1 questions.
okay,now 11mins le. ciao!

my soul was beating here @ 11:32 PM

Monday, September 24, 2007'?

today went sch.so cfm got talk abt the last sat event. omFg.as i said, u nv know what u said when ur drunk...and i never mean any words i said..not all lah. haha.
my heart is still with her and i nv give up untill untill erm..i jus wont give up lah! some words idk leh..omg, im reali confused. =/ lalalal~~~ aiyah maybe im thinking too much.. no,no maybe is cfm!
so i shall jus focus my studies on these 3-4 weeks time. others. after 13th nov then talk okay!yeah!so im keeping low profile for now on.yeah! cheers.

PS:Rougue assasin nice movie.nice fighting and bloody scenes.

my soul was beating here @ 10:02 PM

Sunday, September 23, 2007'?

as i said. HOMECLUB reali suck balls man. imbal small.i think my hse bigger then the club loh!SRSLY!! yah i admit i was drunk, and did some stupid stuffs. sry to those pple whom i punched,reali reali sorry,esp brendon.or those pple who i challenged to 1v1,,HAHA, im lol now. i didnt noe untill kai told me in the macdonald. i dun punch pple unless im reali drunk. and thks to those pple who helpd me control..ok,we werent allowed back in to the club again,as management says what create alot of troubles.WTF?.

1st blood.chun aik!ROFL! haha.. in the end i managed to stabalise my mind. den after mac went back find wenhui junhao they all caz they too drunk to MAC with us. i go drink the Xo again! :D shiok. but those girls take away say what i cnt tahan, reali machiam no kik. =X hahahahhaha.

oh yah.JUNHAO!KNS,FUCKING WEAK LEH HE! wah lao. he my fren i also paiseh leh. u know how many pple ask me. "eh u fren ah, can dun call him slp here anot?!" den u puke like i spit saliva liddat.. wah,go where slp where, some more he drink abit only luh..

KAI boots FUCKING JOKER!MACHIAM PCK BOOTS.ROFL! excuse"i scared pple step my leg when dancing" rofl lah.

took cab home with ray. chard .wenhao.
slp till 11 ,den went to bishan for tution le.
haha.olevels time!

my soul was beating here @ 10:31 PM

Friday, September 21, 2007'?

today i did something so stupid.stupid enough to get 5 canings from DM. i shall not elaborate more. really damn suay. or dumb. a moment of foolishness,leads to a lifetime of regret. i duno that offence went into that beta record anot.haix.
Mr YEO LAH! grrrr...keikan go expose. lucky not so serious go to principal.if not reali huat liao. 2nd time go police sia. hao pa wor~ jkjk,. hehe^^

went soccer after sch,nick climed over the fence and vice-p saw it , LOL!TIO EXPOSED AGAIN!rofl. but jus talking nia. went home.bath changed meet others go town. caz they wan shop. wenhao keith donn chris bough giordano shirts. i bought bacardi for wenhui. tmr got event mah.lol,cashier nv check IC. ROFL!

dinner,den went home liao. need reach home by 10pm.if not mum confiscate modem, lol. her ultimatum.they den went penisula i think. yah.boring mrt ride home.no earpeice=no music. sian lah!

tmr shiok liao.but damn sinful leh. haix,one sat wont kill. tmr afternoon study and ltr can le...

1more month to lolevels~
today its a day to be forgotten.

my soul was beating here @ 9:38 PM


me and keith cam-whore.

my soul was beating here @ 9:33 PM

Wednesday, September 19, 2007'?


Joanna birthday party:
22 sep 2007, Saturday =)

Weeets! Bring pressies ya okayys? ^^
Lalala! 16 and above
Doors open at 8pm till LATE
R&B music, house also (mix)

20 Upper Circular Road
B1-01/06 The Riverwalk
Singapore 058416


Presales: $18
(prices are negotiable if u get it from ME)

Msn me if u are interested:

daniel ng

COME COME COME! I welcome u...
PARTY hard! =)

my soul was beating here @ 10:45 PM

Sunday, September 16, 2007'?

ok.blog updated.linking pple up.new song. freaking nice.
tmr i embark my new sch life.im going to be super-duper emo.its good to be emo!i wan to be a loner!HA!liddat less distraction.ok 2dae went cousin hse study as usual didnt study much as kiera came so played with her.HA! ok , blogging is going to be random.*blogging improves english. maybe next time i blog in chinese! HAHA!lol.
ok.sunday night.RELAX! prelims result are ggfied.i cfm get more den 30. im not even serious in this prelims.kinda regret.but im sure i wont feel this way for olevels.ha!ok. ciao~

taggggg meeeee ! CHEERS:D

my soul was beating here @ 11:06 PM


niece kiera listens punkrock.the next generation of Hayley Williams.same breed. :D

my soul was beating here @ 10:42 PM


this brings us memories of us being a child. credits;heyn and eudist a.k.a eudog

my soul was beating here @ 10:40 PM


saw this on the bus.*i didnt wrote that!but. ^^

my soul was beating here @ 10:38 PM



my soul was beating here @ 10:35 PM

Saturday, September 15, 2007'?

its been arnd 6days i did update my blog jus replying tags. this weekdays got no life loh.aftter prelims paper go lan with pple.standard..lucky thursday nv go,go play soccer.some healthy lifestyle there!lols.lamelamelame.LOL!im still thinking of whether shld i post the vid taken on thurs.those who went upper court noes only!so embarassing.HA!.

yeah,today is the dota CAPL open catgory league.my 1st dota competition in my so called "dota career".LOL.eh last year GXL league team SMC duno counted anot leh.haha.yeah, dota is defintely affected my studies alot.zzz..
reporting time 1130. woke up at 1040.wtf.late again.prelims exam late,compy also late. LOL lah.reached there 1145,still need wait for teams registering. so played 1st game.won the 1st game. 2nd game lose. wtf lah.on skill base i can own their shit lah..but draft wrong heroes already.must go train my drafting skills le. fking imbal. my sand 44mins dagger boots 2brac bottle.?! WTF?! nvm lah.gain more experience. next year,woah.^^ 1st game gosu draft by me.pawned their ass flat.
yah,after 2nd game ben mq ted eudist heyn came.so meet for lunch. den went lan@meridian hotel there.imbal coms..lepak with chris wenhao and eudist den go home luh.

its time to study really.really lah!1st priority CHEMISTRY.2nd POA 3rdMAths. yah,this 3 subj i realy very weak.,tmr meeting eudist to study bah.
next sat event duno wan go anot leh.HEHE^^ TSK!see who going 1st bah..
my prelims is reali fucked up already.L1R4 i cfm get moe den 30
CFM AH! aiyah duno how lah. i die die also dun wan go ITE,wan also go private sch.i dun care.haix,why do i hve to go thru this when i can have 1month to study hard so that i can go into a good POLY course and not thinking abt this. blogging this is also to tell the person reading this now.*its never too late.BEGIN RIGHT NOW!or u never ever begin.MAKE THIS 43DAYS COUNT!

stopped dota and other things that affect my studies from now on.i swear.
i will fucking pass my olevels.I will fucking do it caz im going to fucking study like theres no fucking time left.-vulgataties to show that i mean it.its not any monkey business where i type this and jus say aiyah nvm lah..

always say,AIYAH,study tmr lah study tmr ah.play today study tmr lah.NO! NO! WE GOT NO TIME LEFT! NO TIME READ THIS!NO MORE TIME!

ok,i will blog only when some special events that is so interesting that i wan to share.

my soul was beating here @ 10:54 PM

Monday, September 10, 2007'?

2dae prelims paper one is passable i think.cchinese paper 2 slept for 45mins wake up no time do.hack care..

after tat went hgang mall lepak den go Cp shop for my sweater.saw nth..
went home slp,wait rach finish sch go cathay watch mvie.imbal cheap!$5.50 only luh! let her decide wad to watch she go buy horror mvie tix.wad 19th gate of hell.fuck! im super scared of horror mvies lah~!. lols,kip use jacket cover my eyes.haha.ok ,shaldnt elaborate more.

tmr poa sia.duno how to study.sian leh.. haix...okay,jus lax abot lah. :D
next tim go cathay watch movie liao lah!imbal cheap !LOL

my soul was beating here @ 9:55 PM

Sunday, September 9, 2007'?

today went cousin house to revise maths 1. yah,got cousin teach me.haha, acutally maths can be damn fun lah. when u solve a 11mark or 9 mark question and u check the answer and its perfectly correct.wah tell u,got the very shiok feeling.HAHA.duno leh,maybe for me only.HAHA.

LOL,last night mum confiscate and hide my modem ,next morning,my dad.OI! why u anyhow put ur modem in my drawer?!LOL,thx dad!hehe.mum bo wei gong.HAHA.
yeah,i shall limit myself lah.

rugby world cup,wah damn exciting.must watch.byebye!

my soul was beating here @ 11:18 PM

Friday, September 7, 2007'?

morning went m1 tens @turfcity.played arnd 5-6 matches.1st game got injured already.chest pain.so hve to bear the pain for the remaining games.zz.won plate champion w/o any formal training.its like huh?tmr got rugby tornament ah.okay lets go then..

took shuttle bus to toapayoh.eat.meet rach at junction8.shopped awhile and watched evan almighty.lame fuck.quite funny though.took 88 back home.knn ,slowest bus driver i ever met im my life.heading towards green traffic light,he go slow down alot alot ,he was like thinking "c'mon!give me the red light.im waiting for you!"fking pissed off when im in a rush to go home to slp,if not ltr go velvet goodgame

reached home arnd 7plus.slept 1hour den meet danielle and her band at parklane there.went see them jam.after tat lepak till arnd 11pm meet wenhui and damien @mrt.
walked to velvet,reached there wuite late so queue imbal long.45mins i think.hot like fuck..i mean the temperature.. ok,den lidat luh..

finished lepak till 1st train back home.police came check their ICs.lucky me and wenhui nv tio.jus walking back den saw police getting their Ics.they drink i watch. wwalked to clarke quay mrt wif wenhui samantha arena,took back all e way to sengkang.they changed to redline at douby

went home parents kpkb.i go bath slp.
6am to 4pm.imbal?

btr start studying weijun.u noe urself lah okay.haix.

my soul was beating here @ 6:53 PM


i wonder who gave this street name.

my soul was beating here @ 6:51 PM

Wednesday, September 5, 2007'?

LOLS.XiaLan Badge

my soul was beating here @ 9:26 PM


Doraemon GUITAR! chio sia.

my soul was beating here @ 9:25 PM


Machine gun guitar!

my soul was beating here @ 9:24 PM


2dae went out with weihan ted jayel mq to penisula plaza to buy my jeans and shirts.

reached there 1st den went to penisula plaza,i tot it was there.lol,there like small thailand..and it stinks lah!walked the whole 4storey den saw the opposite block..lol,wad a rtard i am.

ted wanted to buy my adiddas jacket but there nv sell..haha..only able to bought my jeans at there caz all the shirts there dun suit me.all those printed tees..eee,,wad WWE,KANE,FALL OUT BOY ,BFMV shirts luh..there imbal lots of guitars shop,saw some very nice guitars design.posting ltr!
den walked to bugis caz wanted to buy my shirt.lols thought that it was near but walk walkwalk till damn far.. leg numb sia..IVE BECOME NUMB I CAN FEEL U THERE,okok.stop.

haha,went bugis junction found the jacket ted wanted t buy, but too small den saw a nice jacket wif the hood.but price $111.. LOL.. bought polo tshirt with ted den,lols,i tried yellow,blue,black and white.den choose white..machiam like no nid money one. haha.

slacked at mac. den decided to go meet rach at bugis also but she wanted go plaza ssing... so pangsehed ted to buy his jacket went to ps. lols den saw her parents at the dougby gaut mrt! !WTF?! haha,den faster zao,wah damn shocked..haha..went nel arcade played virtua tennis wif her as usual..and winner is always me,haix...too pro lah..ate carls junior.share 1 meal caz the burger is imbal big!haha.free refill of drinks.imbal one. reached home arnd 830 bah.
TMR MORNING: m1 TENS rugby tornament
Afternoon:Sleep or play pool
Night:Velvet FTW.(thx mq for lending me his ic) =)

okay turnining on soon if not tmr cnt wake up for the tornament.WISH M LUCK PPLE!

my soul was beating here @ 9:10 PM

Sunday, September 2, 2007'?

okay.dxo was damn fun, missed out keith.A band perf becaz we were late..kns.. okay i got a feeling this is going to be a long post becaz there is so much to talk abt..and im going to record it down so tat 10 years ltr i still be able to read this post.haha.remembering the stupid stuffs i did.

okay band performance stopped and dance floor was open. ok den liddat luh.. after tat go drink chivas!CREDITS TO DAMIEN!

after tat go back cont..dance floor like sauna sia... fking hot.. go in start 10 mins sweat whole neck liao..lols.. machiam sauna..lol.. after tat thirsy den went kopitiam drink water. den some sayed drink beer.. ok. 1 can become 2 can den become many can.. the pictures tell u..this is only 1st round,after the whole dxo still go 7-11 outside drink...

pearl trt me to anth larger can of heiniken.. ok,i feel like puking already.tats my 9th can.siangyong den gave me the 10th can..WTF..wah i den dunnoe why i am so stupid to tke up their challenge.. so i drank and i puked.GG.
i went to sit on the roadside,i abit seh. den asked how ah.. then pearl go slap my face,then sayed,,this will help u,,, wtf?! but it reali does..me!being slapped by a girl?WTF... but nvm.. i didnt wna bother.. slacked and talked for 3hours outside 7-11 den share cab home... hehe,1 number!
duno shld go this thursday anot leh..zzz
i wan go drink again!!

my soul was beating here @ 9:54 PM


me donn. thats when alcohol get into u.u do stupid stuffs

my soul was beating here @ 9:51 PM


we dun care.lalala~

my soul was beating here @ 9:50 PM


wenhui jesslyn s.y pearl

my soul was beating here @ 9:48 PM


1st round only

my soul was beating here @ 9:48 PM


the final stack

my soul was beating here @ 9:45 PM


band performing

my soul was beating here @ 9:42 PM



my soul was beating here @ 9:32 PM


Daniel Ng Wei Jun
Sweet 16 on 30th OCT
simplicity is the best
Medically speaking you're adorable And from what I hear you're quite affordable But I like them pricey So exaggerate and t-t-t-t-t-t-trick me Pretty please, just trick me Pretty please


world peace
New Computer
Get into the freaking poly
Get a tongue or lip piercing after o's
Go miami ink and get a tribe tattoo

SCREAM;TALK;i ? nonsense

Shopping for Computers